Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Re-cap

Halloween was a VERY busy day for us but SO much fun!  I definitely understand now why they say holidays are extra special when you have kids.  I had such a great time introducing Nate to our favorite traditions of Halloween, that it made it more exciting and special.  Next year will be even more fun when he actually starts to understand what we're doing and saying.  Anyway, the day was full of activities so we were one pooped family by the end of the night.  Happy but pooped.

We started the day with pumpkin spice pancakes with pumpkin butter (Trader Joe's - yummy).  Nate didn't like them; oh well, more for Lee and I!  The weather was so great that we went for a long walk after breakfast.  Nate stayed in his PJs for the walk since there were monsters on the legs -- he he he.  When we got home, we put a blanket on the back lawn and carved a pumpkin.  Nate wasn't too interested in that part; he wanted to explore the backyard instead.  So it was the fastest carving ever done by a family -- it maybe took us 15 mins.  

In the afternoon, I had lunch plans with some old friends whom I only get to see once or twice a year.  We had a really good meal and got to catch up on everyone's lives  (the free champagne didn't hurt either!)

Later on I cooked dinner early so that we'd have plenty of time for us to go trick-or-treating during the early part of the evening.  Nate ate and got into his costume -- he was dressed as Charlie Brown :)  It took me a little over a month to plan and make his outfit (it takes me a long time to get simple things done these days).  Once dressed, we headed out the door and visited our great Aunties on our block.  Then we took a quick spin past a few of the decorated houses on our street.  Burbank residents go all-out when it comes to decorating.  Our neighbor across the street had a haunted graveyard in front of his house complete with a giant spider, dry ice, and loud scary music (thankfully he turned it off at 9pm).  We got back home just after dark and started handing out candy.  Grandma, Uncle Eric, and Ella came by for a visit too.  Nate got to stay up and see a few of the kids at our door trick-or-treating.  I don't think he really understood what they were doing but I think he knew it was out of the ordinary.  Bedtime for our little guy ended up being about 8pm.  What a fun day and night!  Now, onto Thanksgiving!

Nate in his monster pajamas

His new favorite game -- slamming his door on his parents

Pumpkin guts are gross!!

Our pumpkin


Charlie Brown dropped poor Snoopy

Our mascot

Charlie, Snoopy, and Mrs. Brown, I guess

Anybody want any candy??


Jen said...

Ah, what a fun day :) His costume turned out great- how did you end up doing the black zig zag?

I'm sending good luck wishes your way tonight- no more 5am wake up calls :)

Tammy said...

Pretty inventive to have him as Charlie Brown!! Great idea as he made a wonderful Charlie Brown!!

lindybasenji said...

love love love it! You are truly a talent . . .