I know, I know. I came back to my blog in the Spring, published a few posts and then disappeared into the unknown. No real excuses, just busy living life here in sunny So Cal.
So in the spirit of being totally random, I'm going to summarize Summer 2012 in photos.
Why heat up an already hot kitchen??
Cooled off like this until...
this happened (we have a Panda-shaped pool now).
Walked under the infamous rock at LACMA.
Teenager in training? That's one disgruntled face.
Nate's now 4 years old. Whaaaat???
Enjoyed some home-grown raspberries with my cereal for a few days before the August heat killed my plant. Boo.
Oops. Neglected to mention I look like this now.
Baby Girl set to arrive early Oct.
Watched the Olympics. Future Michael Phelps??
The only way to beat the heat. Baby Girl likes them a lot.
That's about it for our Summer. Preschool has resumed and we're counting down the days until we meet Cook Family Member #4. Fall will be very different around here....